Monday, February 01, 2010

Abandoned warehouse

This weeks adventure takes us to the depths of Cowiche Washington.  Here i saw a few abandoned apple warehouses.  One of them also held an A.A. meeting spot and one of the warehouses had a sign printed stating that there was no ammonia on site, you are on camera and please leave now.  So i went to the other site next door and poked around the old fruit washer and by some apple bins and through the orchard a little bit. enjoy.

Picture 1. Apple fruit warehouse office    Cowiche, WA
Picture 2. apple sign     Cowiche, WA
Picture 3.  Tumbleweed in Ice   Cowiche, WA
Picture 4.  Fruit Washer     Cowiche, WA
Picture 5.  Apple Orchard   Cowiche, WA


1 comment:

Kate said...

Fruit washer, eh? Never heard of em, but it looks pretty awesome.