Monday, February 22, 2010

Fun with Telephoto/Macro

This last weekend we traveled over to seattle to visit some friends and go to a patch trade o ree.  Both were good times.  One of Our friends neighbors had some cameras from her grandmother and wanted them to go to someone who would use them.  There was an old film minolta and a canon EOS 650(basically the grand daddy of Canon's current SLR.  With the canon was a 70-210 Telephoto/macro lens.  With a little research i found out that the lens should work with both of my rebels.  This got me excited and wanting to try it out.
The sun was shining and the sky was blue and i headed out.  Here are the results from an empty old resturant and a defunct Oil Company.  Enjoy
four ten resturant parking lot

The old four ten fisherman sign

Tiger oil compant gas booth
18th Street & nob hill Ave

Inside shot

Posted on the wall of Tiger Oil

Ex Air Pump.  Tiger Oil Yakima

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