Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sunshine and the trampoline

After spendin much of last week on the couch or in bed or with my head in a trashcan i got better and that was good timing because we had some great weather here inport angeles for a few days. On saturday i decided that i had been inside for too long and needed some outside time so i grabbed my camera and headed off to photograph and see if i could find some yard sales. i did and i did. first i hit this huge park with basebal fields and trails and such (see photos below) i like the one that is a pole with a warning that "beyond this point " it was dangerous to be due to the strength of the trasmitter right next to a little league dugout. Then i found me some yard sales and one of them had a sign "free trampoline u-haul" long sotry short we did. Apparently it was used one summer than givin to some friends who never set it up and four years later just wanted it out of their garage. So we have a new 14 foot trampoline. How mormon are we!


Ande said...

Glad that you are feeling better, Trin said you had it prettty bad. NIce find on the trampoline. Don't you love finding stuff like that, especailly for free. YAHOOO!!!!! Just watch that little dare devil of a nephew of mine. That could be a bad combo.;)

Kate said...

You're more Mormon than we are! And boy am I jealous!