Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sick Kids

yesterday cole slept in until 10 30 am and when we checked on him his room stank apparently he had trown up in the night and didn't wake up enough to tell us. So we bathed him and gave him breakfast and 20 minutes later the trew up again. so we just gave him water and some saltine crackers. Irish and rob went to the park and i had cole take a nap on me. Guess what he fell asleep then about 30 minutes later woke up looked at me and puked all over the couch. Last night he woke up again about 12 because he had throw up so we had him in our bed trying to get him to sleep (next to a trash can) again his stomach didn't like him. Rob spent all night up with him in the living room onour rocker chair because sitting up seemed to work better.

Irish woke up this morning walked into our room looked at me and said she wasn't feeling good them proceded to mimic her borther in the amount of Liquids coming out of her mouth. luckily she knows the drill and ran for the bathroom. Now they are both on couch with their own respective trash cans.

1 comment:

Ande said...

Sounds like great fun and joy is abouding at the Webster House. Poor kids. It is so sad when they don't feel good and they can't help it. Hope that you guys don't get it to. I know how much you love to up chuck.