Thursday, March 04, 2010

A day at Camp Fife

Today I needed a day of serenity.  There are two things that can easily make that.  1. is photographing (I find it therapeutic, constructive, fun, and helps clear the mind)  2.  Is the Cascade mountains of Washington.  The air is crisp the sun is normally abundant and today it was quite enough to hear the snow melt. I traveled to one of my favorite spots in the world -Goose Prairie.  It did not disappoint.  With four cameras in hand (and on back/slung over shoulder) and my trusty tripod I struck out to photograph.  Camp Fife is the main reason for my picked destination and after arriving i soon discover that the ranger is not Home/In Camp/ whatever.  There in no one there except me and my photographic equipment.  I wasn't able to get access to any of the building (Sad) but the sun was out and the light was bright and... well serenity.  I shot 147 shots from 3 of my four cameras, I had 22 shots that are above par and will be entered into my Camp Fife project.  Overall A nice day.  (now if only i could get into some more buildings)

Well since you read all of that you get a reward...Here are some of the pictures that turned out.

Me at the Curtis Gilbert building
Old Dinning Hall- Camp Fife 2010
General Sherman Tree-Camp Fife, 2010
Front Door of old Ranger House-Camp Fife 2010
Totem Pole- Camp Fife 2010

1 comment:

Kate said...

Glad you got to enjoy your happy place. :)