Sunday, January 10, 2010

Night Photography

I normally don't do resolutions but i thought i'd try something this year.  I plan on going out and photographing at least once a week this year and posting the results here.  Thats right a post a week (at least) for the entire year.  So since i have one in from last week here is this weeks post

Night Photography in Yakima
All of these photographs were taken at night in the almost dark.  I would have taken more but i started hearing gunshots so i decided to call it a night after this.

The Super Bingo is what it says it is.  the coolest part of it is A. the signage and B. The fact that it used to be a grocery store with the same signage.

Road runner deli mart  nothing more to say.

A house on 3rd and mead just right next to the Super bingo.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh, that sign is awesome!