Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Why yes in case you are wondering, I do own a vintage Kodak Light sign complete with fiber-optics. I was shopping for Robyns birthday presents and came across this jem and it was even 20% off. i'm so happy that it works and all i need now is to find a place to hang it. did i mention it changes color. Don't worry i got robyns gifts first then came back for this.

what it looks like in the daytime (its cooler at night)


Ande said...

Is that thing really as big as it looks? Where are you going to put it? Use it as a night light. :) It's cool though. Good thing you got Rob's birthday presents first.

Just Us said...

Nice, real Nice!! Where do you find things?

Kate said...

What a nice wife you have to tolerate all your little treasures.