Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Camp Pigott

A few days ago we had a staff retreat at camp pigott. It was a kick off to our fall business so to speak. while others were on the high ropes course i opted to stay aground and work on my scout camps out of season project. i was extremly happy with the result i got out of the camp. here is a tasting of what i shot. This is the fourth Scout camp I have been able to capture "out of season" and i want to include at least seven more camps in the project to round it out. i smell roadtrip.

1 comment:

Ande said...

I would stay on the ground too. No into heights that is for sure. 7 more camps huh? That will keep you busy. Are you just doing some in WA? I thought that i was just thristy too, but apparently not. Interesting.