Saturday, August 09, 2008

port angeles to seattle to yakima to seattle to pheonix to nashville to vegas to seattle to yakima to port angeles

Well i thought it was funny

As you can tell from the long title we are now back from our whirlwind trip to a national Boy Scout professional leadership conferance. first we left port angeles and delivered some lavendre that we had sold in seattle and then traveled to yakima to drop off the kids and the dog at my parents house. my work got robyn and i a room at the seattle mariott and we had a nice date and movie. (olive garden and the Dark Knight)

notes on the trip:

  • we were up at 4 am to fly to pheonix and run to catch the flight out to nashville.

  • We stayed at the gaylord opryland hotel.

  • There are over 2500 rooms at the hotel

  • plus shopping and like 15 resturants (all of them were expensive)

  • there were about 4900 people in attendance at the conferance (including spouses)

  • Nashville is freakin humid

  • Saw josh Turner in concert

  • Robyn tried a fried pickle

  • ran into 6 people from the BYU program.

  • had to buy new shoes

  • did i mention how humid it is there. (i had to apply deoderant three or four times a day)

  • went to two fancy dinners

  • got free stuff

  • it cost 9.25 to get a drink poolside.

  • had a good time

  • delayed in vegas due to weather

  • 17. got into seattle about 1 am

  • drove to yakima and picked up kids

  • drove straight to work meeting thursday night

  • kingsize beds are bigger than my queen.


Just Us said...

Love the pic(VS). For your spiritual and physical needs. Do you think they would put a Deseret Book next to one? We would like that. Glad you had fun on your many travels. See you on Friday. Oh a camping, we will go.

Ande said...

looks like you guys had a good time. Love the pic for the bookstore, so funny. Maybe they are trying to guilt people. :)

Kate said...

Isn't humidity great!? Glad you enjoyed your trip!