Friday, July 25, 2008

We go to Forks and beyond

Yesterday we went to the other side of the world. ok we just went to forks for a day camp check up. I took the Fam and we made a day of it. First we stopped at sully burgers and robyn tried the "twilight"inspired Bella Burger. WE watched teen people come in and ask for directions to certian "twilight" places, and even saw one ask for an autograph from the burger joint.

After that we walked around town and then decided to head to lapush and the beach there. (we didn't know that day camp started at four and we got there around noon) the kids played on the beach for a while then we headed back and cruised around a bit more.

at the beach la push

water pit panning for gold at day camp

burnt down house forks, wa

part of bowling alley forks, wa


Ande said...

I want to read those books, that is all everyone is talking about. I didn't get them from Trin since she had given grandma the first one. Maybe I can find it at the library, I better look it up. :) I love the beach pic with the wood.

Just Us said...

Lucky, Rob. Getting to go to Forks without me. How was the Bella burger? Did it have a almost vampire after taste? I'll have to go to Forks next time we're up. Cool pics, of course.