Monday, July 21, 2008


As most of the 5 people who read this blog would know. This last weekend was lavender fest and i worked at a farm to raise money for the boy scouts. Alot of the lavender had not quite bloomed yet but we did have enough ready to get us by. I took these shots in case i need them in the future for this event. The one in the middle is a black and white "toned" as if by a selinium toner. I put toned in quotations because is was a tecnique i am trying out in photoshop to reproduce toning effects. let me know what you think.


Ande said...

Pretty!!! HOw did the sales go, did you get what you were shooting for? I hope so.

Just Us said...

Looks good. Wish I could use my Adobe. I like all of them. Have fun in TN.