Sunday, April 13, 2008

Olympic Skate

SO this morning I woke up and did not feal to great. I was waiting for this to happen because it happens every time i stress myself out. and last week i was stressed out, but robyn still made me go to church and then i was able to take a short nap. After i was woken up by some little people banging on my door i decided to relax by photographic therapy. I remembered that the little local skate rink was open on the weekends, only on the weekends and i had wanted to stop in and photograpgh it. After chatting with the owner and explaining what i was doing and why she was more than glad to let me take pictures. She said that at least somebody cares. Here are some of my reasults. they turned out good enough that i am thinking of working more on my roadside america stuff.


Kate said...

How fun! Makes me want to go skating!

Ande said...

It looks kind of like the one at home. fun.