Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Eastern Washington Project: Ephrata

I started organizing my thoughts and ideas for the small towns of Eastern washington project.  I am going through my photographs that i have already taken and catagorizing them according to the city in which they were shot.  I am happy to report that i have 22 different towns that I have photographed in.  This does not include Yakima.

 Currently I think that I am not going to include Yakima in this project for 2 reasons.  1- it size (pop 91,000) just in city limits and 2- This is my home base and i dont want to get lazy in my photographing.

i have also started researching population size for the towns that I visit.

More updates to follow.

This photograph was taken in downtown Ephrata Washington. It is an abandoned JC Penney Store. 

This next photo from Ephrata is an old Drive in:

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