Monday, February 27, 2012

Outlook WA & Zillah WA Small communities in Eastern Washington Project

I had a training that I had to conduct for work on Friday in Sunnyside.  On the way back to Yakima I managed to stop at a few locations along the way. 

First stop
Outlook, Washington.
Population:  292

There was not a lot of items to photograph in Outlook.  there was a church, a post office and what looked to be an abandoned store.

Stop number 2
Zillah, Wa
Population: 2,964

Zillah had a lot more items to look at and the downtown was a block and a half long.  I was amazed at how many autopart stores were located in Zillah.  One of the locals stepped out of his store to ask  what i was doing with my camera?  and if i was local?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Small Town Project Moxee, WA

Today's post is brought to you by the letter M.

This last weekend I found myself in the small town of Moxee, WA
 population of 3308 (2010 Census)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Eastern Washington Project: Ephrata

I started organizing my thoughts and ideas for the small towns of Eastern washington project.  I am going through my photographs that i have already taken and catagorizing them according to the city in which they were shot.  I am happy to report that i have 22 different towns that I have photographed in.  This does not include Yakima.

 Currently I think that I am not going to include Yakima in this project for 2 reasons.  1- it size (pop 91,000) just in city limits and 2- This is my home base and i dont want to get lazy in my photographing.

i have also started researching population size for the towns that I visit.

More updates to follow.

This photograph was taken in downtown Ephrata Washington. It is an abandoned JC Penney Store. 

This next photo from Ephrata is an old Drive in:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Small Town Project Prosser, WA

I have started photographing once again, or i have at least started working on some photographic projects again.  I noticed that i have been taking photos of old downtown's and small towns of Eastern Washington.  I really do enjoy photographing small towns.  Most of them have not been homogenized by corporations and really do show off the ingenuity of small business owners.  I plan on posting more Small towns here in the near future

 Here are a few shots that i have taken in Prosser Washington.
Located in south central Washington
population size: 5,714