Monday, February 22, 2010

Fun with Telephoto/Macro

This last weekend we traveled over to seattle to visit some friends and go to a patch trade o ree.  Both were good times.  One of Our friends neighbors had some cameras from her grandmother and wanted them to go to someone who would use them.  There was an old film minolta and a canon EOS 650(basically the grand daddy of Canon's current SLR.  With the canon was a 70-210 Telephoto/macro lens.  With a little research i found out that the lens should work with both of my rebels.  This got me excited and wanting to try it out.
The sun was shining and the sky was blue and i headed out.  Here are the results from an empty old resturant and a defunct Oil Company.  Enjoy
four ten resturant parking lot

The old four ten fisherman sign

Tiger oil compant gas booth
18th Street & nob hill Ave

Inside shot

Posted on the wall of Tiger Oil

Ex Air Pump.  Tiger Oil Yakima

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This one is for my sister

I know that you read my blog.  saw this sign on Teiton Ave and thought you might enjoy. If you do not enjoy it too bad.

Monday, February 08, 2010

polaroid fun!

My grandfather gave me his old polaroid camera the other day, it is one from the 80s but he knew i collect old cameras, so i thanked him and filed it away in my room.  Then while cleaning out some boxes of stuff i found a unexposed package of polaroid film that would work for the camera.  It was refreshing to have only one shot at a photograph.  you could not shoot 187 shots and hope one would turn out or even expose a whole roll and hope that a shot would turn out.  plus you cant hardly find this film anymore so it felt to me like an old 4x5 large format camera.  i took a couple of shots to see what this baby could do and have three shots remaining in the camera to play with.
street sign
Bird feeder
Yellow table
Robyn and Baden

Monday, February 01, 2010

Abandoned warehouse

This weeks adventure takes us to the depths of Cowiche Washington.  Here i saw a few abandoned apple warehouses.  One of them also held an A.A. meeting spot and one of the warehouses had a sign printed stating that there was no ammonia on site, you are on camera and please leave now.  So i went to the other site next door and poked around the old fruit washer and by some apple bins and through the orchard a little bit. enjoy.

Picture 1. Apple fruit warehouse office    Cowiche, WA
Picture 2. apple sign     Cowiche, WA
Picture 3.  Tumbleweed in Ice   Cowiche, WA
Picture 4.  Fruit Washer     Cowiche, WA
Picture 5.  Apple Orchard   Cowiche, WA