Friday, December 05, 2008

The Woman has gone crazy

Tomorrow "we" are hosting a birthday party for Irish. Robyn has decided that she is going to make a special cake for the event. This cake takes an hour or more to back upside down and 8 hours to cool then another 4 hours to decorate. That is 13 plus hours on a cake! On top of that Robyn has to be at work tomorrow at 6:30 am and get off in enough time to have people "small chatty girls" arrive. I will be standing guard upstairs keeping the television entertained during the party.
If this cake works out i know that Irish will love it, and expect it every year.


Kate said...

Brave woman, lucky girl, smart man.

Just Us said...

Good luck, Rob!! You're braver than me. Doesn't cupcakes sound good about now.

Ande said...

What a cake, did it turn out?? How was the TV guarding? I think I am going to do cupcakes every year, it was super easy for Hazel, and a lot less mess and stress for me. :) Hope she had a good day!!