Tuesday, December 16, 2008

waling in a winter wonderland

As most should know we have had a cold snap here in the pac north west. The highs are in the teens ans twentys across the area and eastern washington is in the single to negitive temperatures. Here in port angeles we had about 5 inches of snow come down saturday night then it hasn't gotten warm enough to melt since. we are supposed to get more snow tonight 3 to six inches. This is unheard of for port angeles. on the plus side we have had sunshine, and to me it feels like growing up cold and sunny so i'm not really bummed about it.

here are some shots i have taken the last few days.


Just Us said...

You have more snow then us. But more is coming. If only we could get warmer.

Ande said...

looks like you are having fun with the snow. It's been cold here for us, I know not as cold as there, but I have become a CA weenie. :)