Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Todays picture came from an event that i attended with an american theme. at the end of the event everybody cleane dup and i saw this and took a shot. it is funny in a sad sort of way with the american flags in the trash can.
Anyway I have decided to do this one time blog tagging thing and respond.

six quirks about me
1. I cannot stand wind chimes. they bug me.
2. If i am standing in an isle at the store/anywhere and somebody walk behind me and just stands where i can't see them but i know they are there i will leave the isle.
3. I search the internet/antique sores/thrift stores looking for information and memorbilia about the scout camp i grew up at.
4. I have the gag reflex of a little girl. dentists and cold medicine hate me for it. Robyn doesn't like cleaning up after it as well.
5. I buy shirts at thrift stores or on clearance. if i think they are cool or funny i will buy it, even if i know it may not fit me. i have probably 75 shirts or more.
6. I cannot sleep with socks on. they attack my feet while i sleep.

ok now that i feel like a freak for doing this i hope you enjoy it. you are a freak too if you think about it.


Kate said...

Hahaha, that cracked me up! I can't sleep with socks on either- no way no how. Though I've never considered them to be attacking me. Too funny.

Just Us said...

Liike the quirks. Sounds like we freaks need to stay together.

Ande said...

You aren't a freak, you are a Webster, whole different story. HA HA We all have our little quirks. Like Dad having to put his socks on first, so funny.