Monday, September 29, 2008

Hurricane ridge

Yesterday the national parks held a free admission admission day. So since our closest national park as about 5 miles away we decided to go on an adventure after church. We drove up to Hurricane Ridge, checked out the visitor center, saw the Asian people with camcorders, listened to the Europeans, and out hiked the old people. It really is amazing that few were one of the only few people there with children or our age.
We hiked to the view point and looked down upon Port Angeles and you could even see Victoria Canada. The trail continued on and so did we up to another steep ridge and to the top of the "hill" there were only about 6 other people up there. We had to keep a hold of Cole because if he fell it was a very steep slope he would have fallen down like the princess bride.

All in all it was a beautiful day to go for a hike.

arnt they close

irish wanting to go back to the car

on the top

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Why yes in case you are wondering, I do own a vintage Kodak Light sign complete with fiber-optics. I was shopping for Robyns birthday presents and came across this jem and it was even 20% off. i'm so happy that it works and all i need now is to find a place to hang it. did i mention it changes color. Don't worry i got robyns gifts first then came back for this.

what it looks like in the daytime (its cooler at night)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Port Angeles

We had stake conferance this weekend freeing up my sunday to take pictures and other general no good. so i took to the mean streets of port angeles to see what i could. enjoy.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Camp Pigott

A few days ago we had a staff retreat at camp pigott. It was a kick off to our fall business so to speak. while others were on the high ropes course i opted to stay aground and work on my scout camps out of season project. i was extremly happy with the result i got out of the camp. here is a tasting of what i shot. This is the fourth Scout camp I have been able to capture "out of season" and i want to include at least seven more camps in the project to round it out. i smell roadtrip.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

went to a funeral and took some pictures

Earlier this week I took a trek across washington to attend the graveside services of my great grandmother. While in Sunnyside i toook advantage of the nice weather and "historical" sinage around town. Here is a very brief glimpse of what I shot.