Friday, July 25, 2008

We go to Forks and beyond

Yesterday we went to the other side of the world. ok we just went to forks for a day camp check up. I took the Fam and we made a day of it. First we stopped at sully burgers and robyn tried the "twilight"inspired Bella Burger. WE watched teen people come in and ask for directions to certian "twilight" places, and even saw one ask for an autograph from the burger joint.

After that we walked around town and then decided to head to lapush and the beach there. (we didn't know that day camp started at four and we got there around noon) the kids played on the beach for a while then we headed back and cruised around a bit more.

at the beach la push

water pit panning for gold at day camp

burnt down house forks, wa

part of bowling alley forks, wa

Monday, July 21, 2008


As most of the 5 people who read this blog would know. This last weekend was lavender fest and i worked at a farm to raise money for the boy scouts. Alot of the lavender had not quite bloomed yet but we did have enough ready to get us by. I took these shots in case i need them in the future for this event. The one in the middle is a black and white "toned" as if by a selinium toner. I put toned in quotations because is was a tecnique i am trying out in photoshop to reproduce toning effects. let me know what you think.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

self imposed pictures

Ok so when ever i go our photgraphing someplace interesting or i get the idea to. I try to take some self portraits. this is for two reasons. 1. i am alone and nobody else can take the shot. 2. normally i am behind the camera and there is not much in the way of me shots (so i make my own)

Here is a sampling of my shots.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Moms house

These are pictures from my parents house. I didn't really have a chance last weekend to go explore yakima like i usually do. So i just walked around my parents house and let the photographs find me. This is a bit different than normal where i have a list in my head of areas/buildings I want to check out and photograph. The question is (if you go to my parents house) where are these items at?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

july 4th thru the 7th

Ok so on the fourth we had our friends Steve and Robyn come over for a BBq then we went out and blew up some fireworks. The kids had a blast playing and the sparklers as well as the pop-its. I think we got home around 12:30 and then it was up and out the door to drive to Birch Bay by Blaine washington for w weekend with Casey and melissa. they have a timeshare thingie. We played in the pool and went to this gocart track. Irish was able to ride shotgun but cole being only 2 did not meet the 3 year requirment. It broke his poor little car loving heart. Then we ate steak. on sunday we hopped into the car and traveled to the State of Canada. There i was able to pick up some wunderbars and ketchup flavored potatoe chips. (if you go to canada get me some) more pool time when we got back. on monday we left the florens to their own devices hung out at the beach and went into bellingham saw WALL-E and drove to mt vernon to have dinner with some old college friends amy and joel. We got to talking and realized that it was 9:30 pm and we still had a three hour drive ahead of us. we got home about midnight.
We were all very tired by the end of the trip.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

camp fife trip

On wednesday i went to camp fife to go see my dad who was up there for the week with some scouts. i also went to just be at camp and see how it was doing. most of the usual was happeing the cook had already quit and other personall issues were happining. i was going to buy a patch but they didnt have them yet. i wasa going to get a shirt but they didn't have them yet. i was going to buy any camp schwag they had but they didnt have any yet. so i bought a pepsi. now i am off to blaine washington to hanf out with casey and melissa and maybe get to canada for some ketchup flavored chips and wunderbars.