Saturday, March 29, 2008

Old film developed

In the last post i said that i had found some old film and was going to develop it. i did and there was nothing on the film. or nothing i could make out as a photo at least. but i did remember that had found some old rolls of film from college that looked exposed but not developed. I decided to make sure that it was the old film and not me that screwed up so i developed my negitives by hand for the first time since 2004. and luckily i am still pretty good at loading and developing.

these shots are from Camp Fife circa 2002. alot of changes have happened to the camp since then but enjoy.
flag/mt bauldy
pioneering logs

friday cookout

the prairie and dining hall

bell tower


Sarah said...

these bring back such memories - the one of baldy & the flag is great.

Anonymous said...

man, i just got here to see these pics. great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Seeing these pictures makes me feel really nostalgic. It was so hard to go up there and walk around camp for the first time after the logging/ devastation. I just remember getting really quiet. That and being super pissed.