Wednesday, March 05, 2008

lake cresent

So the family went for a drive to a very large lake the other day. it is about 15 road miles to drive to the other side of it. there are very few places to stop. on the trees of those few places are madrone trees filled with tree graffiti.
graffiti tree lake cresent wa 2008
heart graffiti tree lake cresent wa 2008

water lake cresent wa 2008


Kate said...

The water photo is beautiful!

cindy. said...

ben! hey you. so good to "hear" from you. i sure love all this blog and facebook stuff for very reasons like this...finding old friends! i'm glad you found me!
as you can see, i don't update my blog all that much. i should, i know. i'll see what i can do to spice up my life a little and join the blogging world again!
i love all your photography. you've inspired me to open my eyes a little more and start photographing things like i use to. life has caught up to me lately and haven't photographed as i should!
keep in touch...i'll be sure to check back often!