Monday, February 18, 2008

winter cabin trip

We took the family camping or cabining this last weekend. Thru work we can stay at our councils scout camps during the off season and we stayed at the medical lodge. My parents and one of my sisters (and her family) came with us and we had a very enjoyable weekend. i was also happy i got to work on my "scout camps out of season" photo project while I was there. here are some shots I took. i'll put up some of the more campy shots soon.


Kate said...

Ok I have to ask, what is that first picture? It looked like a squirrel sculpture until I enlarged it.

ben said...

the first one is oyster shells that were left on a bench. the second is the view from our cabin and the third is a madrone tree.

Anonymous said...

I like the bottom one (red wood or whatever it is). That would definitely make a cool card.