Wednesday, January 30, 2008


On monday or tuesday it snowed here in port angeles. it never snows here. sure we only got three or four inches but school was cancelled, business's were closed, and anchary almost took over the city. not really but you get the point.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bowling with family

We took the kids to the bowling alley across the street from the back of our house. They had a promo for pizza and bowling for the fam for $20. it was a fun day out, and the kids really enjoyed them selves.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Webster Park

In Port Angeles there is a Park called Webster Park. it is right in the middle of town with a thick grove of trees and some benches. The local camp fire council is located at the edge and in the park. I havn't really done too much with parks but it was fun to think differently.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

just out for a drive

I went out for a drive to the west end of port angeles. I was on a road that i had been on before then thought to myself lets go straight until i can't go straight no more. then i happened apon a church that looked like an old school then possibly abandoned (or just really dirty) i then realized that i am out in the middle of no-where taking pictures and walking around on land that isn't mine. "i hope i don't get shot" ran thru my head. isn't photography fun.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

camp parsons

We had a staff retreat at camp Parson this week it is right on the hood canal. it is a very beautiful camp and i am planning on heading back to photograph sometime soon.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Forks Washington

Part of the area that i oversee is on the northern washington coast. Recently I went to the Town of Forks Washington. They get some of the most rainfall in the country. (over 100 inches) It was raining as i went to Forks and Raining as i left forks but for about 20 minutes of my trip it wasn't raining so i was able to grab some photos of the town.
Mold-Olympic Theatre, Forks Wa 2007
Forks, Wa 2007

Forks, Wa 2007

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

i can't find a good photo lab

So moving into the area, i have been searching for a good/decent photo lab that i can use when i am working on my projects. So far i have found no black and white labs and only two color labs. So i tried the color lab yesterday and revieved the sale of all there photos are matched for density and color corrected, not just ran thru the machine. So i turned in a roll i had shot on my yakima project. as i was picking up my pictures i was being rung up and the total was $14 that is alot for a roll of color. as i get in my car i look at the photos and they are flat and grey and ugly and not quality. was my camera not working i just changed the batteries and it has never done this before. So i take the negitives and scan them in my computer open up photoshop and ajust the levels on them. (no it is not manipulation) They now look 100 times better the color is right . let me show you the difference.

Striaght from the lab