Tuesday, December 16, 2008

waling in a winter wonderland

As most should know we have had a cold snap here in the pac north west. The highs are in the teens ans twentys across the area and eastern washington is in the single to negitive temperatures. Here in port angeles we had about 5 inches of snow come down saturday night then it hasn't gotten warm enough to melt since. we are supposed to get more snow tonight 3 to six inches. This is unheard of for port angeles. on the plus side we have had sunshine, and to me it feels like growing up cold and sunny so i'm not really bummed about it.

here are some shots i have taken the last few days.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Tree is up!

Our family decided that we have to wait until after irish's birthday to decorate fot christmas. We traveled to our favorite local store swains and they had trees for $20. These wern't charlie Brown trees but full nice looking trees.

Friday, December 05, 2008

The Woman has gone crazy

Tomorrow "we" are hosting a birthday party for Irish. Robyn has decided that she is going to make a special cake for the event. This cake takes an hour or more to back upside down and 8 hours to cool then another 4 hours to decorate. That is 13 plus hours on a cake! On top of that Robyn has to be at work tomorrow at 6:30 am and get off in enough time to have people "small chatty girls" arrive. I will be standing guard upstairs keeping the television entertained during the party.
If this cake works out i know that Irish will love it, and expect it every year.

Friday, November 21, 2008

polaroid fun

On wednesday i found a poloroid kit at a thrift shop. it had a camera, some trays a book on poloriod emultion transfers, and a Daylab 35 (this takes slides and make poloroids out of them) I have no idea how old the film is in the camera or in the day lab but i am having fun learning a new method in photography and no two prints are the same. hopefully i can still find some film to work the bugs out. here are some test shots.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

35mm film strip

So i found a bag of film for sale at a thrift store the other day and in it was a bunch of slides of japanese people in the 1950's and their tour of america. along with it was a story on slides and some 8mm film. in the bag as well was a 35mm film strip on the 1957 cadillac. in the following pictures you will see there were slides about animals and pictures of the car. on frame even showed how big the car was compared to the compeditors. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Todays picture came from an event that i attended with an american theme. at the end of the event everybody cleane dup and i saw this and took a shot. it is funny in a sad sort of way with the american flags in the trash can.
Anyway I have decided to do this one time blog tagging thing and respond.

six quirks about me
1. I cannot stand wind chimes. they bug me.
2. If i am standing in an isle at the store/anywhere and somebody walk behind me and just stands where i can't see them but i know they are there i will leave the isle.
3. I search the internet/antique sores/thrift stores looking for information and memorbilia about the scout camp i grew up at.
4. I have the gag reflex of a little girl. dentists and cold medicine hate me for it. Robyn doesn't like cleaning up after it as well.
5. I buy shirts at thrift stores or on clearance. if i think they are cool or funny i will buy it, even if i know it may not fit me. i have probably 75 shirts or more.
6. I cannot sleep with socks on. they attack my feet while i sleep.

ok now that i feel like a freak for doing this i hope you enjoy it. you are a freak too if you think about it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

fairview elm

While finishing up a sales call yesterday a school caught my eye. In port angeles the school district had to close several schools due to a decrease in total avalible youth. I always wondered where the schools were at and yesterday i found fairview elm. I wasn't able to get inside but was able to poke around the school yard and peep into the windows. It kinda reminded me of the movie children of man (or men) when they meet at an abandoned elmentary school.
Me at the handball wall
the playground

lost dog


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

olympic penninsula

Today took all over jefferson county for work and along the way I was able to stop and take some photographs. My best find was an abandoned gas station with s sign stating jesus is lord.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I found this website where you can create your own motivational/demotivational posters. it has a do it your self part.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Hurricane ridge

Yesterday the national parks held a free admission admission day. So since our closest national park as about 5 miles away we decided to go on an adventure after church. We drove up to Hurricane Ridge, checked out the visitor center, saw the Asian people with camcorders, listened to the Europeans, and out hiked the old people. It really is amazing that few were one of the only few people there with children or our age.
We hiked to the view point and looked down upon Port Angeles and you could even see Victoria Canada. The trail continued on and so did we up to another steep ridge and to the top of the "hill" there were only about 6 other people up there. We had to keep a hold of Cole because if he fell it was a very steep slope he would have fallen down like the princess bride.

All in all it was a beautiful day to go for a hike.

arnt they close

irish wanting to go back to the car

on the top

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Why yes in case you are wondering, I do own a vintage Kodak Light sign complete with fiber-optics. I was shopping for Robyns birthday presents and came across this jem and it was even 20% off. i'm so happy that it works and all i need now is to find a place to hang it. did i mention it changes color. Don't worry i got robyns gifts first then came back for this.

what it looks like in the daytime (its cooler at night)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Port Angeles

We had stake conferance this weekend freeing up my sunday to take pictures and other general no good. so i took to the mean streets of port angeles to see what i could. enjoy.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Camp Pigott

A few days ago we had a staff retreat at camp pigott. It was a kick off to our fall business so to speak. while others were on the high ropes course i opted to stay aground and work on my scout camps out of season project. i was extremly happy with the result i got out of the camp. here is a tasting of what i shot. This is the fourth Scout camp I have been able to capture "out of season" and i want to include at least seven more camps in the project to round it out. i smell roadtrip.