Friday, April 27, 2012

Las Vegas

Robyn and I went to Las Vegas for the weekend.  Robyn's sister was getting married so we decided to check it out.  Since we don't drink or gamble, we had to find out other Vegas activities to fill our time.

On Thursday night we went to In and Out Burger and had the Double double.

On Friday we found the nicest looking Boy Scout office I have ever seen and bought some BSA Las Vegas items then picked up our friends from the airport, got all dressed up and headed to the wedding.  I met a bunch of people for the first time and it was a nice event.  My Friend Casey then introduced us to a Brazilian Steakhouse.  words cannot describe how amazing this place was.  I ate so many different types of meat that there was a serious barnyard was in my stomach before the night was over.

On Saturday we went on a Bone-yard Tour at the Las Vegas Neon Museum.  if you are into vintage signage this place is for you.  It was $15 a person and the tour was about an hour long.  I completely nerded out while on the tour.

On Sunday Robyn and I got up early and headed to the non touristy parts of Las Vegas in search of some more signs, motels and wedding chapels.  Afterwards everybody piled in the car and we headed out to Hoover Dam.

overall it was a fun trip and and the temp only reached 102.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ritzville, Washington

Ritzville washington
Population: 1,673

Ritzville is about 50 miles East of Spokane and surrounded by not much else.  The down town had a theater, a couple thrift shops and bars.  While photographing I was followed around town by a couple of people, if I went into a store, then they soon followed.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Outlook WA & Zillah WA Small communities in Eastern Washington Project

I had a training that I had to conduct for work on Friday in Sunnyside.  On the way back to Yakima I managed to stop at a few locations along the way. 

First stop
Outlook, Washington.
Population:  292

There was not a lot of items to photograph in Outlook.  there was a church, a post office and what looked to be an abandoned store.

Stop number 2
Zillah, Wa
Population: 2,964

Zillah had a lot more items to look at and the downtown was a block and a half long.  I was amazed at how many autopart stores were located in Zillah.  One of the locals stepped out of his store to ask  what i was doing with my camera?  and if i was local?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Small Town Project Moxee, WA

Today's post is brought to you by the letter M.

This last weekend I found myself in the small town of Moxee, WA
 population of 3308 (2010 Census)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Eastern Washington Project: Ephrata

I started organizing my thoughts and ideas for the small towns of Eastern washington project.  I am going through my photographs that i have already taken and catagorizing them according to the city in which they were shot.  I am happy to report that i have 22 different towns that I have photographed in.  This does not include Yakima.

 Currently I think that I am not going to include Yakima in this project for 2 reasons.  1- it size (pop 91,000) just in city limits and 2- This is my home base and i dont want to get lazy in my photographing.

i have also started researching population size for the towns that I visit.

More updates to follow.

This photograph was taken in downtown Ephrata Washington. It is an abandoned JC Penney Store. 

This next photo from Ephrata is an old Drive in:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Small Town Project Prosser, WA

I have started photographing once again, or i have at least started working on some photographic projects again.  I noticed that i have been taking photos of old downtown's and small towns of Eastern Washington.  I really do enjoy photographing small towns.  Most of them have not been homogenized by corporations and really do show off the ingenuity of small business owners.  I plan on posting more Small towns here in the near future

 Here are a few shots that i have taken in Prosser Washington.
Located in south central Washington
population size: 5,714

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Family photo shot without the people

When mt sister was in town it was delegated to me to take the family photo.  There were 9 kids aging from 2-12.  plus 8 adults.  We were able to get some decent shots and i managed to take a few none people shots while i was testing light.  The first one is where the family is going to be placed.  The second shot is the coin slot for the 7-up machine that is on my parents veranda.  Enjoy.