Saturday, September 25, 2010

Summer camps out of season -Camp Roganunda

I've been kicking around the idea for a project about summer camps when there are no campers there.  These places are like ghost towns most of the year.  I have several boy scout camps in Washington that I have shot out of season, but this is the first one that is not a boy scout camp.  It is a Camp Fire USA camp (or was) 

Camp Roganunda has been in operation since 1923.  It is now for sale and empty.  2009 was the last year of this camp.  Here is a clip about Roganuda's closing.

I do truly wish that I could have gotten into the buildings.  All of the cabin names have been removed and most have been boarded up.  Here is a few shot I have processes so far.  There are more to come, hopefully.