Monday, January 26, 2009

walk on the water

The other day we took a walk on the waterfront trail here in port angeles. It was a sunny day wich is very rare here in the fall/winter/spring time. while the kids were playing on a statue of a seal i went to inspect the waters edge. i found some rocks with etches and hole in them, my guess is man made. anywho I took some shots and then a few out along the strait of Juan de Fuca.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

after christmas visit

After christmas the kids and i went to eastern washington for to visit the family. and in the tru spirit of eastern washington we all got to go sledding...behind a tractor...thru my parents yard. Yes we had alot of fun using a tow strape and a sled. I was even able to drive the tractor for a while. Below is a shot of my father trying to "wakeboard" behind the tractor. he broke his watch when he fell.