Saturday, March 29, 2008

Old film developed

In the last post i said that i had found some old film and was going to develop it. i did and there was nothing on the film. or nothing i could make out as a photo at least. but i did remember that had found some old rolls of film from college that looked exposed but not developed. I decided to make sure that it was the old film and not me that screwed up so i developed my negitives by hand for the first time since 2004. and luckily i am still pretty good at loading and developing.

these shots are from Camp Fife circa 2002. alot of changes have happened to the camp since then but enjoy.
flag/mt bauldy
pioneering logs

friday cookout

the prairie and dining hall

bell tower

Thursday, March 27, 2008

snow in late march

Yesterday afternoon it snowed here in port angeles elevation of sea level to 400 feet. This is a very rare event in late march. Our fair city only sees snow about 2 times a year in December and Early January.
So i grabbed my camera to show proof. i pointed the lens up to the sky and shot this shot.
It turned out looking like dirt or fall out from the sky so i put it against a background.
They were very big flakes as you can see. On my way back inside i looked over at my new salt and pepper skakers and the light on them was photo worthy so i snapped a shot off.

On a side note i have aquirred supplies for a darkroom. including projector timer chemicals, trays, lights, bulk film loaders,lighttight black bag and paper. There was also some old camera in the box and one of them had verichrome film that was still in the camera. The film had an expiration date of 1955. I Downloaded the development instructions from Kodak and will see if this film has anything on it. The next post may show the results of that expiriment.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Yakima for the weekend

We went down to Yakima for a quick visit and spend easter with the family. It was alot of fun and my sister came up from california as well. I did not get a chance to run off and photograph like i usually do but i did make some stops on the way home from easter dinner at my aunts house. these are the ones that turned out.
Barn Yakima 2008
last years tomatoe plant yakima 2008

air at tiger gas company Yakima 2008

Tiger gas stand yakima 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Camp Thunderbird

This last weekend i had the privilage of attending National Day Camp School for accreditation of camp administration. After camp was completed I grabbed my camera to go out and work on my scout camp project. here are the results.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pictures of the kids

If you have seen my blog you will have noticed that i do not put up many pictures of my kids. personally i don't think i am very good at people shots. but i thought these were funny. Irish needed some goggles for her swimming lessons and they had a two pack at the store so each kid got one. they have been wearing them ever since but not at swimming ironically enough.
Cole age 2
irish age 5

lets try this again

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

lake cresent

So the family went for a drive to a very large lake the other day. it is about 15 road miles to drive to the other side of it. there are very few places to stop. on the trees of those few places are madrone trees filled with tree graffiti.
graffiti tree lake cresent wa 2008
heart graffiti tree lake cresent wa 2008

water lake cresent wa 2008