Tuesday, February 26, 2008

comments are more than welcome

if and whoever reads this please feel free to comment/Critique on my photographs. Its how one learns.

Plus i am thinking of starting my own Greeting card company and would like to know what phots of mine people would like to see on a card.
just don't suggest babies or kittens for my cards.

lincoln Park

On thewest side of Town is the Clallam County Fair Grounds. Really it is a giant park with a stadium and ball fields. There also is several picinic cabins and a cabin owned by the Rotary and used by the local scout troop.I came to find the cabin for work and took advantage of the park. I am really working on up close shots and i think i am getting better.
Hand Rail- Port Angeles, wa 2008
Slide-Port Angeles, WA 2008

Picinic Cabin-Port Angeles, WA 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

winter cabin trip

We took the family camping or cabining this last weekend. Thru work we can stay at our councils scout camps during the off season and we stayed at the medical lodge. My parents and one of my sisters (and her family) came with us and we had a very enjoyable weekend. i was also happy i got to work on my "scout camps out of season" photo project while I was there. here are some shots I took. i'll put up some of the more campy shots soon.

Monday, February 11, 2008

found rolls of film

during the move last summer i misplaced some film i had exposed. I found it and developed it and here are the results of pictures i didn't remember i took.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

New Camera Test

Ok so i got a new camera on tuesday and this thing called a job and weather has yet to let me play with my camera. this morning we had a few rays of light and not rain blowing in at 50 miles an hour so i got some shots off. no reason or ryme to the shots just lighting tests.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Ugly house for Sale

Down the Block from our place there is a very ugly house with a flat roof and a southwestern theme. it stands out amid the craftsman style and bungelow houses in the area. The house is for sale and they had an open house. so i grabbed the camera and talked to the realator about taking some pictures of the place she agreed and here we go. It is interesting to see how people lived and decorated it feels a little like invading of privacy to me.
Bedroom Socket, Port Angeles 2008
Kitchen/dining room, Port Angeles 2008

wallpaper, Port Angeles 2008

Closet Port Angeles 2008

Spice Cuboard Port Angeles 2008