Monday, December 31, 2007

yakima trip

So we went to Yakima for Christmas and as I try to do every time I go out to photograph. so i left Robyn and the kids at my parents house and drove around the city i grew up in. The lighting wasn't the best but a project is a project and if I waited around for perfect conditions I would get out of practice real fast. The First shot if an old parking lot near the old Yakima mall. The second shot is off of front street across from the jail.(this area is being renivated) The third is in Union Gap on the main drag. And finally is a sign by 36th and Summitview between the abandoned/closed DairyQueen and a Pappa Johns.
Yakima ,Wa 2007
North Yakima, Wa 2007

Union Gap, Wa 2007

Yakima, Wa 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

car explosion

So the other night we woke up to a load bang along with all of the windows and doors rattle in the house. we then heard sirens and that got us up. at the end of our block there was a fire, we found out that it was a car that exploded. it even melted the mailbox it was parked by.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

return to the abandoned school

my boss's have been out of town this week leaving me to take some me time. the historical society is working on turning this into a musuem when it is all finished. it has been a work in progress for several years.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

abandoned strip mall

there was a note on the door that the business's were evicted in 2005. some of the doors have been broken out and there was some people living in a 5th wheel behind the place. i need to go back with tripod and film and trespass inside to photograph.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

port angeles walk

Front street empty store
oak street steps off of 2nd

8th and lincoln port angeles

These are pictures from my most recent walk through port angeles. I am really enjoying being able to do this and the amount of fun things to photograph. and its healthy as well.

Monday, October 29, 2007

fall shots

fall has hit real hard the last week or so and i was able to take some shots when it hasn't been cold and rainy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

more school posts

The original two-story Lincoln School was built in 1916. East and west additions were added in 1922. The “portable” came in 1929; 10 years later the site was completed with the addition of a gymnasium. The school served thousands of students before being shuttered in 1978.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007


So i have been really into doors lately. i'm not really sume but the geometry if them works i guess. The first three are from the town of easton (or what is left of it) the fourth on is from my latest trip to yakima and its deteriating downtown area.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

lost but now found again

So my account was lost and i finally have been able to log back in. enjoy some of what i have been working on..